Friday, May 21, 2021

Gray skies and silver linings

 Another rainy day.  Preacher and I sipped our Juniper coffee were talking this morning and we talked about the weather this year.  I know it’s the age old thing that gets brought up when you don’t have anything to talk about with the person you end up sitting next to in the doctor’s office waiting room. But this 2021 weather seems like yet another one for the history books.  It smells a little like 2011 when all creation was groaning (well at least is was in southwest Missouri).  That year we saw unprecedented snow and ice that forced schools, businesses and life to shut down for weeks.  It hit rather early showing up on February 1st and dumping around 20 inches of snow.  I had never seen anything like it in my 43 years of life.  

When I was a kid we had a lot of winters with a lot of ice and snow where our pipes froze, we had no water, and would end up staying at my Grandma Black’s house for days.  Her house had 2 bedrooms, a tiny bathroom, and was heated with a gas stove. Oh how I loved her house! We would play dominoes or Chinese checkers and listen to her Marty Robbins record albums.  Grandma Black always seemed to have ice cream too! Her favorite was Neopolitan because you get your pick of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry all in the same dish. It made being stuck inside not so terrible. I miss her.

This year has indicated that it’s likely to be somewhat of a repeat of 10 years ago. We had some of the coldest temperatures on record in the whole Midwest. Businesses, schools and life was shut down around here for at least two weeks and it wasn’t corona virus related.  Since then the weather has been a roller coaster of one nice, sunny and awesome day or two followed quickly by plunging temperatures, snow, rain, ice pellets, and 2 late spring frosts - just your garden variety pick of forecasts. The temperatures remind me of Colorado- colder at night and in the early morning then warming up (maybe) to shorts and t-shirts, only to quickly change and leave you wishing you brought your fav sweatshirt or an umbrella.  As gray and cloudy as it’s been this week I pray there is nothing like the infamous 2011 EF 5 tornado that ripped through Joplin like a 50 foot giant splashing and kicking his way through a mud puddle that was 2.5 miles long. Destroying almost everything in its path. Twisting and gnarling mighty oaks, traffic lights, homes, automobiles and even chewing up the asphalt roads. Has it really been 10 years since 161 people lost their lives? 

As I look out my kitchen window I am reminded of God’s providence and protection (the silver lining)  no matter what we face. No I don’t want to go through that again, but I realize we have faced other difficult situations since then and even now. The earth is amazing. Creation is so creative and there is evidence of the goodness of God all around me. However wonderful it is though- it is not my home. So I will weather the weather and learn the rhythms of the seasons all while anxiously awaiting the return of my Savior. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The struggle within

 When the days are long

And the nights are longer

Turn your mind 

And worship the King

Bow low

Get low

Forgive your enemy


Stand in the gap

Stand until you can’t 

Be part of the solution

Wrap your mind


And over 

And under

And try to tie a knot in it

I don’t know how

Yet I will trust

The One 

Who does...