Do i let myself get SO busy that I am come to a new day, a struggle or a even a joy- unprepared? What I mean by this- is have I really spent one-on-one time with the One i claim to have given Lordship over my life? Sadly, there are many days I have looked to people and things and dreams to fill my soul, instead of the only One capable of doing that. Then when something turns sideways in my day I am not ready to stop, listen and pray. My mind starts racing and my tongue starts lashing out and I'm not ready to be obedient. I may comply but remain confused and angry because my motives are bowing to MY expectations. What part do i play in allowing God to increase my faith giving me the ability to stand committed to obey?
In looking at scripture there are 2 people I'd like to mention because they both had a great way of dealing with unmet/fragmented expectations. In Genesis 22 God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. I don't think Abraham was expecting this!! This was the son born to Abraham and Sarah in their old age and was the promised child that many nations would come from. Abraham did not waver but took his son, bound him and prepared to sacrifice him. WOW! What awe inspiring obedience Abraham had that he would do whatever God asked of him, even if he didn't understand. He expected that God would provide a way. When my expectation is that my life has to go a certain charted course I leave no room for what God has planned for me. The book of Ruth also supplies ample examples of living in God's will and thriving when difficult things come and dreams are unfulfilled. Ruth lost her husband, was childless and did not choose to go back to her hometown and family but stayed with a bitter mother-in-law that she would end up helping support financially. Im sure on her wedding day Ruth did not expect this to be her lot. YIKES! So what did she do? Ruth changed her expectations for her current situation and moved ahead seeking God and what His will was thereby believing and raising her expectations of God and what He would do in her life. She had learned (somehow... I really want to talk to her someday in heaven) that God was faithful and her trust was put in Him, not how life looked at the moment. And bonus- she did NOT complain about it.
Oh my I have a lot to learn still. Changing my perspective so that it's broader than my little world. I'm thankful that God doesn't quit on me, ignore me or leave me behind when I am weak and struggling. He knows my heart. He knows I have expectations. In response i need to be realistic in my outlook; understanding that when i obey and trust His plan it will far exceed my own expectations.
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