Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Thursday, June 3, 2021


Have you known days in life when you felt like you just wanted to run away? It's been a veritable string of Monday's with too much month at the end to the money and out of eagerness to win approval every request made of you (whether good or bad) you've met with "sure, I can help with that".  Maybe you've been staying up too late or skipping responsibilities because you're a grown up and you can make your own choices... You may be saying in your head "mind your own beeswax".  Regardless, there will be those days when you've had ENOUGH.

Truly I could not say any of this if I hadn't already been in the same shoes.  My choices were less than exemplary and i did whatever made me feel better for the moment many times. So, my goal is not to condemn but to share some hope that there is a better way.  For me the struggle begins when there has been precious little time spent in prayer and even less in writing God's ever-valuable Word on my heart.  Thereby allowing the world to dictate who i am instead of focusing on the plan God has for my life and being accountable to fellow believers.  If Jesus is not part of your life, emotionally, the heart will reach empty and become a life in tossed about in a storm that's headed for wipe out.

Let's be honest, there are some current trend "go-to" methods for handling the circumstances we are in; that seem favorable in the moment of high stress. After all, what is a Generation X, Y or Z human to do? For starters you could keep running up debt on your trusty credit card with more new summer outfits, some modish Vans, and that long overdue hair appointment you deserve.  How about gorging on take out and ice cream because you don't feel like cooking (again). Why not hit the casino because your fortune cookie said you're going to have a streak of good luck and we all know fortune cookies don't lie (ha). Another common option is a pity-party-posting of the latest undeserved struggle on Facebook for the world to cry along with us.  Certainly there is also the ever popular "blast in a glass" method that will leave you with a splitting headache and possibly unsure about whom you were with or what you did last night. Are you catching the common theme in these means of dealing with difficulty.  What do you do when you have a bad day?  All of these modern day coping tools sadly, leave your life, your wallet, and your heart emptier than ever.

A quick fix is never the answer for the long term changes that will produce positive results and grant the peace that will remind you of how temporary storms in life are.  People, there is a better way, a healthier way, and a non self-deprecating way to face the storms in your life.  Here are some practical tips to smooth out your day and get your focus back where is belongs.

*Take a few moments.  Start your day with silence and prayer.  Get by yourself, close the door, bow your head and ask God to give you strength and courage to let go of what is dragging you down and regain a calm focus on what you CAN do today.  One day at a time is more than enough for any of us to tackle. 

*Read it/write it.  Get your Bible out and read chapter from one of the Gospels (John is my personal fav) and then a Psalm or two. Reading a few short verses will help remind you to keep your focus on God.  Example: " I have told you these things, so that in Me (Jesus) you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world!" John 16:33

*Be financially responsible.  if credit cards are an issue, get yourself a budget that will keep your bills paid and start paying down any debt you owe.  Stop buying things you cannot afford.  You will be surprised how quickly you can pay off debt when you stop spending on things you did not budget for. (We started doing Dave Ramsey- not saying you have too, many years ago and we have NOT regretted telling our income what to do! It is truly freeing to live on a budget!) Try eating meals at home or brown bag it until you get your finances under control and can allocate funds to do things that should be considered a luxury. (if you get the chance to visit a third world country you will understand this Big Time).  And yep I'm going to say it- the first thing you need to do with income is tithe (10% at least) to God, because it's His anyway.  If it isn't to a local church there are many organizations that work to be the "hands and feet "of Jesus to communities that welcome cash donations. God will bless you in ways you can't even imagine. Try it and you will see!!

*Eat Healthier. (Believe me, I struggle with this the most and have to remind myself to stop simply being lazy and do the work that will help me feel better physically) it may not always be the easier thing to do.  It takes a lot of effort to think about meal planning, making grocery lists, shopping, preparing and cooking. You reap great benefits from doing it though!  You will find you spend less money eating out and junk food, which your wallet and your body will appreciate you for.  It also forces us to spend less time zoning out on social media and wishing your life was like the pictures you see on Pinterest and Facebook. Your life is what you make it not what other people strategically photograph and showcase for the world's approval.  Really... isn't the main purpose of instagram; to gain approval??  Last of all if you eat better, all your clothes will fit better and that will put a smile on your face!

*Do whatever comes next.  Not one of us will get a perpetual free ride in life.  No one will get out of a rut or overcome a struggle without putting in effort, so DO SOMETHING.  Get yourself moving. Make a plan. Clean a closet. Do your homework. Go for a walk. Visit your Grandpa. Write a letter to someone to encourage them (snail mail is AmaZing). Read your Bible every day. Pay your bills on time. Finish a project. Hug your loved ones. Do laundry. Serve in your community. Be kind. Pray (ALOT).  Never take for granted the time you have and use it to bless other people and glorify God.  I didn't expect what came next for us. Cancer.  But all of these things I have mentioned are my reminders every day to keep fighting the good fight and running the race to finish strong - all by the grace and mercy of God.  

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You" Isaiah 26:3

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

That day

 Walking up to the front desk I realized this could take lots of minutes. The room was full of masked faces. Is this really the world I live in now? As I move up one spot in line someone caught my attention and said “can I help you?” Anxious I walk up to the counter and ask if I can go to the room my husband is in. She inquires who I’m looking for.  I tell her the name and she leads me down a hallway to a room that holds my husband as well as the doctor, nurse and a med student. Dr Something-Something was mumbling about being proactive and that he believes blah, blah, blah, then yaddah, yadda, yadda and my vision narrows as he begins to explain what he thinks is the likely diagnosis of the enlarged lymph node on my best friends’ neck. He notices my expression and his dialogue becomes more upbeat and positive. (Does he recognize this look in my eyes?)

I look at the Preacher and he is listening and smiling with his eyes and nodding his head. Proclaiming that he is a fighter and understands when Dr So and So says “know that this will not be a sprint but a marathon.” To his credit the Preacher stays positive and shares that he has run marathons and understands what Dr Such and Such is telling us. 

I feel frozen in time. Tears burning the rims of my eyes I can’t even breath. He finished up his discourse regaling to us that he will be in Colorado with his kids and wife the next week or two so it’s likely his trusted nurse will call us with the “news”. What does that even mean? Does he realize how his comments make him sound like a pompous, affluent, out of touch jerk?  Okay so I’m a little testy at this point. When medically scary words get tossed around like confetti it’s like someone singing silly songs to someone who just lost their dog.

He shakes the Preacher’s hand, then mine and waltzes out the door. The nurse leads us to another room to make appointments. Ms. Doing-Stuff is tappity tapping away and asking the most mundane questions. It’s taking everything inside of me and the grace of God to not yell at the woman when she informs us that the Preacher has to be off blood thinners for 5 days prior to the biopsy... my brain exploded. I explain to her that no one has indicated anything like this in the 3 weeks leading up to this appointment. She looks pensive and the Preacher looks at me as of to say “It’s okay, I will be okay”. But I DON’T feel ok right now. The snails pace that they are handling this is frustrating me. I want to tell her if it was her family member she would understand. It’s like December and Covid all over again. Spinning wheels inside my head with so many questions. And no answers.

The timetable of the medical world and the insurance world is no respecter of men. She schedules the appointments and we rise and walk out. I try to stay calm. I want to warn all the masked faces peering at us, to get ready for a less than stellar visit with Dr Such and So. I don’t. I take the Preacher’s arm and keep walking. 

I swallow the tears and ask God to help me not fall apart on the one that needs me to be strong with him, for him. He smiles and tells me it’s going to be alright. He reminds me that all of us have numbered days and that he wants to enjoy all the ones God gives him. I know he’s right. I love him even more than I thought possible. I still want answers. We arrived in separate cars so we leave together, alone. 

Driving away I can hardly think. Right now I’m angry. For lots of reasons. Some of them understandable by anyone. Some of them known only to me. Time slows down. I go to Harp’s. Buy some things I don’t need. I can’t find the list I had. Madness, sadness, questions and overwhelming tiredness. 

It seems possible to surrender all of this to the Lord after some hours of quiet time and the prayers of family and friends. Decision made.’Not mine to carry. “His yoke is easy, His burden is light’.  Therein will I remain. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

100 percent


What do you do when you have an empty well?  During those weeks when there seems to be no relief. The days when you wake up with the throbbing headache.  You’ve had several sleepless nights trying to solve the world’s problems and counting sheep availeth nothing. Personally, those are the days I find most difficult to keep moving. I imagine my warm bed with my Snoopy blanket and the cool mist humidifier whispering my name. Those cycles of no sleep or fitful sleep alternate with weeks of exhaustion.  That’s where I’m at today. I strangely had experienced weeks of not needing a nap, not feeling tired at night (sleeping only 5 hours) and still raring to go the next day.  Then boom! I have been really tired the past few days. I have completely hit a wall. Thinking is difficult. My brain is out of focus. Though I notice a pattern I haven’t figured out yet when this will overtake me.  Generally it hits me out of nowhere.  So I have learned some lessons along the way that help me combat what I will refer to as my “Jayme the Grouch” days.  

Now just to keep you in the loop on me- I am middle aged and menopausal so I’ve learned to allow myself some grace to get through this.  Thankfully the Preacher does too!  One of the ways I proceed with caution when my body and mind have a mind of their own is to keep myself to some sort of routine.  The best thing for me to do upon waking is to not stay in bed (even though I’m screaming tired) I choose to roll myself upright and put my feet on the floor right away.  Getting up early tells my brain it’s time to start moving.  I put on sweats and head to the kitchen to make some hot tea- fruity ones like blueberry or raspberry zinger are my favorites.  Having quiet time on the back deck in the early light of day, when its peaceful is something I started doing last year.   Today it was cold still (30 something degrees) so I sat at our kitchen table and hung my head. I decided to listen to scripture to try to focus on God’s word,  it barely starts and a million thoughts start running through my head. The devotional thoughts remind me today of the story of Nadab and Abihu from Lev. 10:1-2 and speaks about how the access to the Presence of God should never be taken for granted. Ouch. That is exactly what I was doing. Half listening half listing all the things I need to do.  I am convicted.  But this is what I need! I need this time.  Even if its 15 minutes.  I need to soak my mind in God’s Word. To thank Him for so many blessings.  Next I’m out the door as another practice I try to keep is a brisk walk in my surrounding neighborhood, usually 30 minutes, although I admit its been extra sporadic since the beginning of December. Getting fresh air makes a huge difference in my attitude. I’m always glad and feel better when I’m able to walk.

On work days my time is more limited but I still try to do these practices as it keeps me somewhat scheduled.  It gives me a false sense of control in my laugh (laugh). So today following my loved morning habits I quickly showered, dressed, packed my work bag and headed out the door. Somehow I managed to be one of the first one’s to work, WHEW! Then as I walked into my office I turned and was met by one of my coworkers who was weeping. She had received bad news the night before. I mean REALLY bad news. I tried to comfort her but felt at a loss for words.  During those situations I don’t want to extend a platitude. But I did ask her if I could pray with her. (God please use me)  A few minutes later as I sat down my cell was the Preacher- “truck messed up I’m at the shop again” then another message- asking for prayer for a trying circumstance of a new friend.  And literally in 15 minutes my well felt dry, my thoughts were racing and it occurred to me that I needed a Pepsi.  (That is not the answer at all- but it happens to be my go to most of the time) It was a momentary escape from dealing and provided that sweet shot of caffeine I thought I needed.  Unfortunately, I think my problem is that I want to have life always be perfect, smooth, and without struggle but guess what?? It’s not. It never will be on this side of heaven. 

Functioning at half full and far less than 100 percent has become a way of life for most of us. When we are tired (like I’ve been the past few days) or not taking time to sit before the Lord and listen- a quick “fix” is waiting right there to tempt us. Maybe your “fix” is shopping, or binge watching Netflix, drinking to relax or forget, spending an extra hour at the gym, or gambling and the rush it can bring, FOOD, posting an extra flattering selfie to get all the likes/loves and comments your self esteem craves, maybe its more detrimental to your overall heath like drugging or illicit sexual encounters.  Whatever it is that’s taking the place of Jesus in your life.  Whatever it is that keeps you from being 100% all in to your relationship with Him.  Remember God is still good even when life doesn’t feel good. May you seek to become accountable and discover the things that will keep your well from drying up. I have offered a few suggestions here that I hope will give you some ideas on ways to stay steadfast on your journey.  

The giant encouragement I hope you will get from this post is that we all have struggles and face trying days, but even when we aren’t at the top of our game we can overcome.  Sometimes it takes stopping and admitting to ourself, to God and to others that we don’t have it all together.  I hope you will join me in deciding “we” aren’t throwing in the towel but will make some good, positive habits that will sustain us through the tired days when “____________the Grouch has moved in wants to take over. Don’t let that side of you win. God is faithful. I will continue to believe.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Best comic ever

When the days seem grim, and these days often do, there is a short term remedy that can take your mind off of all the chaos in the world. (for a little while) Laughter is great medicine!!  So I love to read the funnies.  Peanuts and Charlie Brown has been my longtime favorite.  When the Sunday globe would arrive I couldn't wait to rifle through it and find the comic strips.  I love that Charlie Brown!  He never gives up.  As per the normal, things go bad and then get worse but good 'ole Chuck never stops trying.  He somehow looks beyond the past failures and chases that ultimate dream of landing the perfect boot to the football.  Always having that little glimmer of hope.  Even though, at this point ( 65 years since his debut on October 2, 1950 as a daily funny strip in 9 different newspapers), I have to wonder- will he ever succeed?  Through the years the Peanut's comic strip has  brought a lot of people laughter and encouragement.  Though Charles Schulz' motives weren't implicitly religious, his sarcasm and gritty, poignant honesty has inspired many to keep trying, to be like Charlie Brown and take that chance once more time.

Never Give Up!  There is something about always reaching for, yet never fully attaining that reminds me of my faith walk with Jesus Christ.  I know because of this worn, limited, very human "tent" I live in that I can never achieve perfection.  Never sinning again is virtually impossible- because I am not God.  This fact does not keep me from trying however.  Seeking God and looking for His answers to life questions. The questions about suffering.  The questions about pain and death.  The questions about how He made all of these extraordinary, beautiful places (like Maccu Piccu, The Virgin Islands and yes the Ozarks in Missouri in the fall).  The question of how He could love such an imperfect, flawed people such as the human race.  Inside of me there is a desire to know the Creator of all of this.  When I choose to hold on to hope that desire keeps burning on.

Recently my Favorite and I went to see "The Peanuts Movie" which opened on my birthday. After the lights went down the pre-show stuff started (and lasted 15 minutes - Ugh) finally I was delighted to see the beloved Peanut's characters just like I remembered them from childhood. Once again Charlie Brown struggled through the misfortunes of the "kite-eating tree', sports failure, a book report he worked diligently only to have it destroyed in a single moment, forgoing his own talent show debut so his little sister would not be made fun of and mistakenly winning an award because of a mix-up on a test.  So many struggles for Charlie Brown.  The integrity struggle was intense.  There was beauty to be found in these ashes though as Charlie made decisions to that made his character shine.  He helped someone else achieve success in flying a kite.  His baseball incident with Snoopy ushered in the arrival of his crush (and quickly his embarrassment was forgotten). Time and time again Charlie's kind actions captured the human spirit of the golden rule.  My heart was warmed and there may have been a tear in my eye as the movie ended and Charlie Brown took that famous scramble toward the football that Lucy was holding.  That guy just doesn't give up!!  It reminded me that there is always hope.  It reminded me that laughter is great medicine.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Great Expectations

Expectations. All of us have them.  Good or bad it's part of realizing the outcome of any given situation.  To never have expectations or only have gReAt expectations is short sited.  All of us have to be realistic and know that there will be times when life is disappointing.  There is the day your kid didn't make the team.  Your daughter didn't get that part in the play that she tried out for.  You didn't get the job you were assured was yours at the end of the interview.  That dream you dreamt as a child has not come to fruition and your birthdays keep coming.  Ouch.  Reality.  Many times we want to get angry and someone or some thing that seems to stand in our way of what we perceive as happiness.  Ive been there.  I'm sure you have too.  

Do i let myself get SO busy that I am come to a new day, a struggle or a even a joy- unprepared? What I mean by this- is have I really spent one-on-one time with the One i claim to have given Lordship over my life?  Sadly, there are many days I have looked to people and things and dreams to fill my soul, instead of the only One capable of doing that.  Then when something turns sideways in my day I am not ready to stop, listen and pray.  My mind starts racing and my tongue starts lashing out and I'm not ready to be obedient.  I may comply but remain confused and angry because my motives are bowing to MY expectations.  What part do i play in allowing God to increase my faith giving me the ability to stand committed to obey?  

In looking at scripture there are 2 people I'd like to mention because they both had a great way of dealing with unmet/fragmented expectations.  In Genesis 22 God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac.  I don't think Abraham was expecting this!! This was the son born to Abraham and Sarah in their old age and was the promised child that many nations would come from.  Abraham did not waver but took his son, bound him and prepared to sacrifice him.  WOW! What awe inspiring obedience Abraham had that he would do whatever God asked of him, even if he didn't understand.  He expected that God would provide a way.  When my expectation is that my life has to go a certain charted course I leave no room for what God has planned for me.   The book of Ruth also supplies ample examples of living in God's will and thriving when difficult things come and dreams are unfulfilled.  Ruth lost her husband, was childless and did not choose to go back to her hometown and family but stayed with a bitter mother-in-law that she would end up helping support financially. Im sure on her wedding day Ruth did not expect this to be her lot. YIKES! So what did she do?  Ruth changed her expectations for her current situation and moved ahead seeking God and what His will was thereby believing and raising her expectations of God and what He would do in her life.  She had learned (somehow... I really want to talk to her someday in heaven) that God was faithful and her trust was put in Him, not how life looked at the moment.  And bonus- she did NOT complain about it. 

Oh my I have a lot to learn still.  Changing my perspective so that it's broader than my little world.  I'm thankful that God doesn't quit on me, ignore me or leave me behind when I am weak and struggling.  He knows my heart. He knows I have expectations.  In response i need to be realistic in my outlook; understanding that when i obey and trust His plan it will far exceed my own expectations.